Monday, September 5, 2011

Make Your Own TRAIL MiX

Nooo! The long holiday weekend is over and although I'm ready to start up work again, I know this time tomorrow I'll miss the time off!  I spent later part of today preparing my meals for the week- mostly salads for lunch and a few snacks.  There's one snack I'd specifically like to share with ya!  It's the easiest snack to prepare and is perfect around my 2:00/3:00pm slump!

MAKE YOUR OWN TRAIL MIX!! duh! It's that simple.


**Really you can add any kind of nut/seed/dried fruit and even chocolate you'd like!!


Pour all ingredients in a large ziploc bag. Close, shake, and store!


  1. This looks great! MacNuts are soooo expensive though! Where do you buy yours?

  2. It is delicious! I bought a small bag from Woodmans... which is a decently priced grocery store around here. They were still pretty expensive. I was going to scope out Trader Joes' prices, but I'm guessing you've already done that...? lol

  3. Mm I will add craisins to mine. Also, add an egg or two and some of that almond or peanut butter and bake for 20 minutes at 375. Cut into bars and you have home made protien bars!
